Vector Maps

Vector maps for graphic designers (AlpoMaps – Maptorian)

Maptorian is a vector map pack created thinking about the work of graphic designers, journalists, computer graphics and, in general, people who need to create visually appealing maps easily and quickly. Thanks to the maps distributed by layers of Maptorian, any person who knows how to handle a current vector graphic design program, especially a program like Illustrator, can easily shape their own maps.

You can use Maptorian vector maps to create all the maps you want, both for personal and commercial use. Maps created from Maptorian can be used for any purpose.

Available at a very affordable price for a limited time. (Click on image for information)

Click on image for information | This pack is also included in the Maptorian full Edition

Click on image for information | This pack is also included in the Maptorian full Edition

Everything in Maptorian is editable. The distribution of thematic layers is designed to quickly create different types of maps through their activation and deactivation, arrangement or its edition. All is editable: the lines, polygons, colors, text, fonts… everything can be changed easily to reach the desired map, without leaving your favorite vector drawing program and without having to resort to complex mapping tools.